Pastors Page August - July

September Pastors Message: 

Dear Church Family,

I am truly blessed and honored to connect with you all through this newsletter. As we are in a time of transition, we are faced with a new season before us.  Yes, my favorite season is upon us, Fall!  Oh what a great reminder that change is upon us.  But change often causes us to wait.  I want to share some reflections on a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: the weight of waiting.

The life of faith is a pilgrimage—a journey marked by moments of joy, sorrow, and deep questioning. It is often in the waiting that we experience God's profound presence. Waiting can feel excruciating, desperate, or suspenseful, but it is also in these moments that we learn to lean on God with all our heart.

How many of us find ourselves waiting on God, yearning for Him to reveal Himself in our lives? Whether it's waiting for a sign, a miracle, or simply the next step, the weight of waiting can feel overwhelming. Yet, the Psalmist offers us wisdom for these seasons of life, reminding us that our waiting is not in vain.

As we navigate through this journey of faith, let’s hold on to the hope that God knows all things, and He meets us exactly where we are. But the beauty of God is that He does not leave us there—He invites us to follow Him into new experiences, deeper relationships, and greater challenges.

In Psalm 130, one of the "songs of ascent," we find a powerful reminder that our journey with God is an uphill climb. It requires effort, faith, and endurance. The journey is not without its trials, but with each step, we are drawn closer to God.

I want to encourage you today, especially those who have been waiting—waiting for a pastor, waiting for answers, waiting for a breakthrough. The life of faith will lead us into moments where the only way forward is through waiting. But it’s in this waiting that we find God at work, shaping us, preparing us, and ultimately leading us to a place of redemption.

Let’s take heart and trust that our God, who loves us with an unfailing love, is with us every step of the way. He hears our cries, forgives our sins, and redeems us fully. In the end, our waiting will not be in vain, for God is faithful to show up in ways we could never imagine.

Let’s continue to seek Him, cry out to Him, and trust in His timing. And as we wait, let’s do so with the hope that our God is always working for our good.


Pastor Temo Rios

Dear First United Methodist Church Family,

I address you as family because that is what we are in Christ. I am eager to meet each of you, and perhaps by the time you read this, we have already crossed paths. It brings me great joy to serve you and our community, with the hope that together, we can be a beacon of light and hope to Racine and beyond. I’d like to take this opportunity to share a little about myself, and if you’d like to know more, I would be delighted to converse over coffee or lunch.

I was born in Chicago, Illinois, but moved frequently during my childhood. I am the son of immigrant parents from Mexico, where I lived for three years as a young boy, though I spent most of my formative years in the United States. I am fluent in both English and Spanish. Though I didn’t grow up in the church, my parents instilled in me the identity of being Catholic, and we attended church primarily on special holidays. It’s a bit ironic, and always brings a smile to my face when I say this, considering that I am now a pastor.

I am a passionate sports fan, particularly of the Packers and the Bucks! My greatest joy, however, comes from spending time with my family, enjoying the outdoors, reading, and biking.

I am blessed to be married to my best friend, Barbara, who has been my companion for 25 years, 21 of which we have been married. We recently celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary on August 9th. We reside in Franklin, WI, with our three children: Adriana (16), Natalya (14), and Lucas (10). As a family, one of our greatest joys is visiting friends in Florida, where our kids especially love spending time at the beach.

I am a licensed local pastor and am currently pursuing my studies at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, where I have completed 15 courses of study so far. In addition to serving here, I also pastor another congregation, Urban Poiema UMC in West Allis, WI, which began as a new church plant in 2015. I have had the privilege of serving there since July 2019.

I have a deep love for the local church and am committed to being available to serve in any capacity that is needed. I firmly believe that the church should be a space of inclusivity and a safe environment where people from all walks of life can experience the love of Jesus and a true sense of belonging.

I look forward to meeting each of you and learning about your journeys as well. As I often say, “See you at church!”

With love and sincerity,

Pastor Temo